Italian Renaissance Learning Resources

In collaboration with the National Gallery of Art

Este, Baldassare d’

[Baldassare da Reggio]

(b Reggio Emilia, bapt 20 June 1432; d after 29 Jan 1506).

Italian painter and medallist. He was brought up as the adopted son of a certain Giovanni Bonayti, but a document of 1489 records him as the (illegitimate) son of Niccolò III d’Este, Marquis of Ferrara. In most documents, however, he is called ‘Baldassare da Reggio’. Baldassare is first recorded as a painter in a document of 16 January 1461 from the Visconti Sforza ducal registers in Milan, in which he is given permission to travel for two years. This suggests that he had been working for the Dukes of Milan for some time.

Kristen Lippincott